Saturday, May 24, 2008

Feeling Quite Thankful

My youngest child and I were in a scary head-on collision this past Thursday and while I dont share personal experiences here often, I feel the need to share how grateful we are to have come through this awful experience fairly well. I have never been in any kind of accident that was more severe than a fender-bender...and let me tell you this was Scary!! We were going about 40 miles an hour when we hit a car that lost control and was suddenly in our lane, just feet ahead of us. After the initial hit, both airbags deployed and we veered to the right and ran into some boulders. At first, I couldnt feel my legs and my arms felt like they were on pins and child was screaming and shaking with fear and bleeding from the arm. As I looked around I realized there were already concerned citizens on the scene, taking stock of our situation, calling 911 and offering calming words. Shortly there after, the paramedics and fire trucks arrived and my child and I were quickly assesed, extricated from our vehicle, put on backboards and taken swiftly to the local hospital. Once there, it was determined that there were no major injuries sustained by my daughter...she was SOOOO lucky! There were some minor abraisions on her arms and a fairly deep cut at her wrist but it only required a dressing, a teddy bear and some stickers to fix her up! She didnt even need stitches and we are so greatful! She is doing so well and seems to have a happy sense of how lucky she is!! As for me, I didnt fair quite as well but Im still happy to say I came through the situation very well. There was some initial concern about my heart and my breathing but after the initial shock, those things seemed to straighten themselves out. It turns out that my injuries were mostly to my feet and ankles. My right big toe was majorly dislocated (sickeningly so) and both ankles were severely sprained. After tons of xrays, I was shocked to find there were no broken bones! So I my toe was put back into place and I was given 2 compression boots, some pain meds and a set of cruches and allowed to go home to my worried family. So, though I am fairly immoble since my ankles are too swollen, weak and sore to hold me up, I am SOOOOO Greatful to haven gotten away so easily! If we didnt have such a big SUV, the front end would have crushed in on us much more severely and we would have have been critically injured.

To further add to our blessings, our neighbors are all pitching in to help...providing meals, transportation to school for the kids and much more. My husband has rented me a wheel chair so I can get around the house more easily and my parents are coming tomorrow to visit and help out as well. The bottom line is we couldnt be luckier and we are so thankful for our good fortune! The only bad side...I dont know how much stamping I'll be getting done in the next few weeks, lol!


  1. wow! I am so glad to hear you and your daughter are ok! As you said, you have some injuries to recover from but it could have been much worse...

  2. That's terrible...I'm glad to hear that all are okay. It could've been much worse.

  3. Kristin: What a frightening experience. What a blessing that you are both doing well.

  4. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry to read what happened, but hugely relieved to think that it could have been so much worse.

    I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Jules x

  5. Oh Kristin, I know it had to have been quite an ordeal for you to go through. However, luckily it did not turn out worse. So glad to hear that your daughter is okay and hope you will be on the mend soon. Did you get the cards that I sent?

  6. How scary!!! Thank God you and your daughter are both OK. I hope you make a speedy recovery.

  7. oh Kristin!! That is awful! How horribly scary for you all!! (((hugs))) I am so thankful that you both are ok! rest and take it easy


  8. I am soooo glad you two are okay. How incredibly frightening!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery....

  9. Oh Kristin, thankfully you both are okay!!! Hugs to you and your daughter and you are in my prayers for a speedy recovery!

  10. Kristin, glad that you are all ok. Get better soon!

  11. Oh Kristin!! What a terrifying experience. You were so lucky - and your daughter - wow. I know I would always take double licks if it meant my kids would have less to suffer and it sounds like you definitely had that.

    I wish you a super speedy recovery and minimal pain. Give yourself plenty of time to heal! I am so glad to hear that things will be ok.

  12. I'm so sorry for what happened to you and your daughter, but relieved to hear your recovering. Rest and take it easy.

  13. Holy Crow Kristin! I am so glad you are both alive! Make sure that you rest plenty! {{{HUGS}}}

  14. whoa, so glad y'all are o.k. my dear, take it easy & don't worry about the stamping! {hugs}

  15. OMG... I just got to read of your horrible day. So good to hear your baby was OK, and that you too although hurt were not injured more severley.

    Sending blessings to help you heal soon

  16. Oh my, I am sooo sorry to hear about this but am glad to hear you and your daughter are ok. I hope that you recover quickly! All the very best to you!

  17. Oh my goodness, I can't even imagine! I am glad that you are both doing well and what a blessing that no one was seriously hurt. Take care and get back to 100% soon!!!

  18. I am glad you and your DD are ok!!

  19. Oh my gosh! I was coming to your website to link it to my blog and I came across your story! How horrible for you and your family! I'm really happy to hear that you and your daughter came away whole and healthy! For the most part! Hope you're up and around soon!!!

  20. Oh, so sorry to hear! So glad you and your precious dd are ok.
    God Bless!

  21. Such a scary thing to happen :( I am so glad both you and your daughter have lived throught this. My hubby is in emergency services and sees all too often the devestation head on collisions create. You are truley Blessed. Take time to heal, emotionally and physically and hug your family a little closer each night. Take care....

  22. Oh my, Kristin. I was just linking your blog to my Google Reader and looking through the previous posts. I am a little late in commenting, but I wanted you to know that I am so glad you and your daughter are doing well. We definitely thank God for such blessings of keeping our friends and family safe! Even new friends that we meet. Hope you are both on the road to a full recovery. God Bless! :) Kelly
