Friday, May 30, 2008

Artful Inkables Design Team Call

First of all, I want to thank all of you who sent kind emails, posted comments of concern and sent get well soon cards since our accident! It sure helps in the healing to know there are so many concerned friends out there! You all are the best! I am still mostly wheelchair confined but feeling much better than I was a week ago and my daughter is all but over it! Thanks again! Now on to the exciting news:

We are delighted to announce that we are ready to set up a design team for Artful Inkables and are taking applications now.

We are looking for anybody who can create inspiring and beautiful work and is reliable and enthusiastic, no prior design team experience is necessary. Never been published? Don't worry! We want to encourage you to show us your best, even if you have not been widely recognized as a designer. This call is open to everyone - even if you aren't in the US or Canada you are more than welcome to apply!!

We will be releasing four new sets of stamps in June/July, plus some versatile sentiment sets. Our new design team members will receive these stamps and will be participating in the release. We will need our members to complete their sample cards quickly and post sneak peaks on their blogs. So please make sure you will have sufficient time in June/July to help out with the release before you apply for the design team.

As a member of the Artful Inkables DT you will be required to do the following:

- Create at least 4 cards 3D items or scrapbook layouts per stamp set and email a scan or photo of them to me for inclusion in the AI Gallery. The submissions must be photographed or scanned with good quality. Half of the cards/pages must be completed within 1 week of receiving newly released stamps so they can be published before the stamp release date. Older images can be submitted with 4 weeks of receipt.
- Include instructions with your sample cards for posting on the company blog
- Participate in the bi-weekly DT challenges and come up with a challenge/sketch when it is your turn.
- Post card samples, contest announcements, challenges and new releases on your blog.- Display the Artful Inkables logo on your blog
- Participate for a term of 6 months and sign a contract with Artful Inkables.
- Give feedback and suggestions for new stamps, the blog and marketing ideas.
- Leave comments on DT Member blogs and the company blog.

As a member of the Artful Inkables DT you will receive:

Product compensation including but not limited to: all sets released during your term as a designer for AI, various existing sets of your choosing, a 20% discount on all AI products and monetary publication incentives.

How to apply:
Send an email to (Please put DT Call on the subject line)

Please include:

-Your Name
-Contact Information (mailing address, phone number and email)
-Your online Blog or gallery information
-Your submissions should also include: an email of 4 or 5 cards/other samples displaying your best work. It is not required that you use AI stamps but you get bonus points if you do! Files should be in jpeg format and no larger that 150K each.
-Send in a bio that will be used on the DT webpage if you are chosen for the DT.
-List of any other DTs you are on and a list of any published works:
-If you participate on art related message boards and/or yahoo groups please list them.
-Please feel free to share why you wish to join the Artful Inkables Team and how your style would complement our designs.

The deadline for submissions is midnight June 18th, 2008 Mountain Daylight Time. Successful applicants will be contacted via email and an announcement will be made here and on the AI site on June 20th with the list of new Design Team members.

Please feel free to post this announcement on message boards you belong to, your blog or any other venue that will get the word out of our Design Team Call.

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to receiving your applications! Good Luck!


  1. Hi Kristin ~ I want you to know that I will be applying!!! See my blog, as I am posting cards from AI all this week and part of next week. Love your stamps...Hope you and your daughter are doing better!!

  2. Wow this sounds like a fantastic opportunity!

  3. Sounds like a fun opportunity- I will be bookmarking your blog so that I can continue to check out upcoming opportunities (I'll be out of the country from the 23rd-July 1st) so not so doable right now. Hope you and your daughter are doing well.

  4. I will be applying for your new DT positions - I was not familiar with your stamp company but have looked at your store and have already ordered several sets! They are designs that I like to use on my cards!

    Your accident was so scary and how fortunate that you are both ok! Thanks for this opportunity to apply!

  5. I recently found out about your company and the great opportunity for the DT. I have submitted my information via email and look forward to hearing from you. I have checked out your stamps and I really love the personality in each one.

  6. Hello, could I please ask whether you ship your stamps worldwide or just to USA and Canada?

    Thank-you, Penny

  7. Hi Kristin - I was unaware of your company until I spotted a banner on SCS. I took a look at your stamps and like them alot. Thanks for the opportunity and I'm sorry to hear of your accident - glad to hear you're both o.k.

  8. I too just saw your banner on SCS and LOVE your stamps. Can we enter pieces that we have made in the past or do they have to be ones that are recent? I am so excited and thank you for this opportunity!
