Well, I've been commenting on my stamp room make over for a few weeks now and I guess it is time to share the results. Below is a picture of what my stamp room used to look like...well, sort of! It was never this clean and it had much more 'stuff' crammed up on the counters. That was actually one of my pet peeves about my room, no counter space! The other peeves were: 1) cant see the tv from my spot (See the mirror hanging from the bottom of a shelf? That was how I watched tv while stamping!) 2) Cant see the GORGEOUS view out over the valley from my seat since Im facing a wall! 3) No organization so that all my most used items were easily within reach. 4) No more wall space since I continued to add shelves and iris carts all over the place. Infact, I had no where to put the great craft cabinet that the kids gave me for Mother's day. And finally, the most important peeve, 5) Im just not comfortable sitting on a stool (or standing) at the counter anymore! When I first started stamping, I HAD TO stand up, but I've found age and my ankle injuries have made that a very uncomfortable way to stamp and I started avoiding my stamp room in favor of more inviting places to sit.

This is a picture of the other side of the room. That desk belongs to my husband, he is a coin collector and he sits there to research and admire his coins. There is actually much more on those shelves...this picture was taken shortly after he moved into my room. And no, Im not allowed to sit there. lol This is where the tv is located and the door to the deck. Also, alot of my stuff ended up over here including my paper and single stamps!

So, my plan was to rip out one half of the counter and everything above it and put in a nice desk, some storage and my new craft cabinet from the kids. The removal was fairly simple, but it sure left a mess! I had craft supplies everywhere and I ended up having to paint that wall after removing all the shelves and the cork board.
Then I went on a trip to IKEA! Can I say just how much I really LOVE IKEA? We had one of the first ones in the US when I was growing up in Northern Virginia and I have to say, I was quite spoiled having one so close!! When we moved out here to Utah, 5 years ago, I was very bummed to find out there wasnt even an IKEA anywhere in the whole state!! Luckily they built one just 10 miles from me last year so I can again be spoiled by IKEA's lovely products!! Anyway, during my shopping trip I pick up a great storage unit called an EXPEDIT book case, which can be detailed to your liking with drawer units, doors, boxes and baskets. I also picked up 2 drawer cubes (2 drawers each cube) for the unit, a basket and a few paper storage boxes.

They also have a system for desks called VIKA where you pick what type and shape of desk top you want and choose legs or tresles of different types to hold it up. As you can see in the picture below, I picked one with a curved end and some fairly cheap (but with adjustable height) legs. I also got a 'tote tray' to attach under the desk as an extra drawer and some stackable CD racks to keep all of my Artful INKables stamps in, right next to where I sit. Oh, and speaking of sitting, I chose a small desk chair there too, a JANNE swivel chair, so I can be mobile and zoom around to the things I need without getting up!
Now I can keep all of my 'counter top clutter' (or in other words, things I need all the time) ontop of the bookcase unit so it is in easy reach but not in my way. Above the book case I put the unit my sweet kids got me for mothers day. It was a happy surprise to discover that the front doors are magnetic so I picked up a ton of those magnetic storage containers and filled them with all of my small embellishments. Inside, I have all of my ribbon (YES...all of it can fit in there!) and some lesser used 12x12 paper. Between the old counter top area and the new book case, I placed my paper storage unit within easy reach. My uncle made me this unit by hand, back when I first started this hobby and, though it isnt beautiful, it serves it's purpose well and I couldnt live without it! Above that, I 'artfully arranged' my 3 single stamp display shelves, including a shelf displaying all the stamps from my first plate of AI stamps on wood blocks.

The only change I made to the remaining counter unit was to leave the corner cabinet open as shelves. This keeps my 12 x 12 paper with in easy reach on the stackable trays, along with my coloring and painting cupplies and my big box of paper scraps. I did however, reorganize the cabinet space and drawers, so now I know where everything is!! My cutting station is up here on the cabinet, along with my Portaink pad holder within easy reach from my chair. I am still waiting on the arrival of another unit I ordered to keep all of my other, non-SU! inkpads on.
The only things left unfinished in my opinion, is some wall decor...maybe a hand made Artful INKables sign? And I storage place for my punches. I guess I'll just have to make another trip over to IKEA and pick up some pieces from their KROKEN rail system! LOL
So now, I can sit, stamp, watch TV, reach and find all my supplies and enjoy my view! The only reason to leave is to eat, lol! Maybe I should think about putting in a mini fridge! :D