Friday, June 11, 2010

Featured Stamper Friday!

Well here we are again, it's another Friday and today we are bringing you our second Customer Featured Stamper, Lesa Soja! As you know I have been on the look out for some great Artful INKables talent out there, and this week I have a wonderful one to share! Lesa uses some great color schemes and always adds her own flair to what she does, I hope you enjoy getting to know Lesa Soja in today's post, so here we go!
Q- Married, Kids, Pets?
I am married. I just hit the 10 year mark in September. What a fabulous ride. Up and Down.... Now on the UP! Weeee! My husband and I have a great time together. We also have a daughter Emily who just turned 10 who and is also an avid stamper. I Have 3 cats -One barn cat & 2 indoor cats Shhhhh! One thinks he's a dog. He is part mainecoon and he's huge weighing in at almost 23 pounds and not fat either. They all have such different personalities. We also have 11 chickens and one Rooster Oscar (7). Besides lots of eggs, It can get noisy at time but very cool to listen to.

Q- Do you have a job outside of stamping? If so, What do you do?
Yes, Well I am many things. Besides a Mom and Wife, I am a dementia nurse in a long-term care facility a few days a week. Well I get my 40+ hours in 3 days. I don't know what it means to relax. (Someone ripped that page out of the dictionary!) I work also for my local town Park & Rec department teaching...Tada! rubber stamping a few classes a month. I also teach Copic markers at a local rubber stamp Store - The Papercraft clubhouse in Westbrook, CT. In the Fall My Husband is going into business for himself and I will be his part time Office Manager. I am also a Stampin Up! Demonstrator and I do have to say that I am my best customer. Whew!! That's a lot of things.

Q- What got you into stamping?

I was at a local fair about 15 years ago and I saw a man demo a sheep stamp with puff applique and heated it up and when it puffed I was hooked and I can remember telling my husband all about it and said I can do that and show all my friends....The rest is History.

Q- What is your favorite embellishment and why?

Hum, That is a tricky one because I really don't have a fav. I just love Pop dots and my big kick with all of my Nesties and cuttlebug folders and not to mention Bling! I love it all.

Q- What drew you towards Artful Inkables?

I just love their stamps. I was looking for a particular girl to color in and so happened it was from the Think Big set. She reminded me of my daughter and I was starting out with Copic markers and wanted to color in faces. I like a lot of things about AI stamps. I think the packaging is great, easy to store & easy to use.

Q Do you have a favorite stamp set from Artful Inkables?

Well I am crazy about the Twilight series. So, I am hooked on Into the moonlight and fictionally inspired sets.

Q How would you describe your stamping style?

Another good one. I like to have balance, that clean look & with some sort of symmetry. I really like to stamp and color in people stamps. I am trying to think outside the box with other mediums and distressing but I seem to always come back to the people. Its a work in progress.

Q What is your favorite part of stamping?

I would have say that my favorite is when I finally get it right. All the pieces of the card come together and work out the way I want. Back to that Colors, balance, symmetry and when I am done I feel great that I accomplished something. I call it stamping Therapy!

Q- What is your favorite non- card type project?

I like to scrapbook and making 3D scrapbooking pages.

Q- Have you been published?

Yes, I have been published many years ago in a magazine called The Rubber Stamper. I really haven't submitted anything in a great long while. I have put it on the internet. My blog and Facebook & Splitcoaststampers...Keep me busy.

Q- What is your favorite coloring medium? Why?

My favorite coloring medium is by far Copic Markers. I just love them. It is a very professional look. I find that they are perfect to blend and match to any paper or embellie. My second would have to be Pan Pastels.

Q- Tell us about your blog?

My blog is My craft room is named after a stream that runs along the property. Our house is over 100 years old and was part of only 7 houses in a section of town Ponsett. Our house was the main homestead of all the houses in the area. My blog is mostly about stamping and a few tidbits of life and family. There is usually something going on in my life that is geared for a card. It is always changing so, keep checking back.

Q- Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

I am honored and very thankful for you giving me the opportunity to share my story and show you a couple of cards that I have made. I find real joy in sharing my creations and teaching and hope that I have encouraged you to create! Go for it!

I hope you all had as much fun as I did getting know know Lesa! I simply love her cards and her style! When we were discussing this post, she mentioned to me that she loved this wedding card she made using our stamps, she didn't need to say much more to me because I knew exactly which card she was talking about!I love all the details that she added to really make this card pop, the contrasting colors added with the pearls and the corner of blooms, this card is what caught my eye!

I also wanted to share with you one of her more recent Artful INKables creation, this adorable card features our Think Big stamp set, look at her coloring on this one, just lovely!

Lesa, thank you once again for sharing yourself with us all here at AI, I do hope you had as much fun with this as I did! I can't wait to see what you create next!


  1. So nice to "meet" you! you are one talented lady and I love the creations that you made! Love your style!!!

  2. Wow... you are one busy lady! Your work is absolutely beautiful and so inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing yourself with us!

  3. Nice to get to know you Lesa, you do beautiful work!
