Friday, June 4, 2010

Featured Stamper Friday!

It is that time again! We have another fabulous Featured Stamper to share with you today, in fact you got to see this Design Team members tutorial earlier this week! Are you ready for her?! Today we are Featuring Michelle Bartnett, if you follow our Design Team, then you will know that Michelle graced us with her presence toward the end of our last term, and we just couldn't let her go with only having a bit of time on the team! Michelle Bartnett has a way with painting and creating some amazing 3D items, I know that you will love to get to know her better, so here we go!Q ~ Married? Kids? Pets?
I've been married for nearly 14 great years. We have a daughter who is 11 and a son who is 7. Both kids have many talents and interests that keep us hopping! We have a spoiled rotten Boston Terrier named Fiona (after the movie Shrek).

Q ~ Do you have a job outside of stamping? If so, what do you do?
Yes, I work for an international company in the Information Technology department and I have been there 19 years. I am responsible for the computer security of the financial and payroll systems for the US. This is where I met my husband and we often work on the same projects!

Q ~ What got you into stamping?
Like most people, I was asked to go to a party. I was heavy into painting at the time and wasn't the slightest bit interested in stamping. Just look at me now!

Q ~ What is your favorite embellishment and why?
Wow, I don't use a lot of embellishments but I would guess I'd have to say ribbon.

Q ~ What drew you towards Artful Inkables?
My friend Joy Stagg and the beautiful Plant Prints set.

Q ~ Do you have a favorite stamp set from Artful Inkables?
Definitely Plant Prints!

Q ~ How would you describe your stamping style?
I am a scene stamper and I love to make the scene more interesting by incorporating the elements of the scene into a sketch.

Q ~ What’s you favorite part of stamping?
Probably that last couple of minutes of working on a project when you know you've "got it" and its going to turn out fabulous!

Q ~ What is your favorite non-card type project?
Prior to joining Artful INKables, I only made cards. My experience here has taught me to try new things. I'm not sure I have a "favorite" yet.

Q ~ Have you been published?
Hmmm, its not currently one of my goals so I haven't even been trying.

Q ~ What is your favorite coloring medium? Why?
Copics!!!! I love the professional finish they give to an image.

Q ~ Tell us about your blog.. ( it all stamping, or a mix of other things?)
My blog is pretty much all stamping. Occasionally I will throw in a painted project or personal tidbit but not often.

Q ~ What is your favorite part of being on a design team?
Oh, there are so many good things. Its fun to meet new people. Its exciting to get a peek at what's coming out next. And I love having deadlines to keep me motivated.

Did you enjoy that?! I know I did, now here is some great eye candy from Michelle! I thought I would share with you a little of her Twilight creations, as well as one of my favorite 3D items! This necklace is a great idea! I can't wait to see if she shares any more of these with us! Oh, and last but certianly not least is one of Michelle more recent scenes following our past recipe challenge! Thank you for joining us today for another Featured Stamper Friday, and if you play along with our current Twilight challenges, you too might be featured here all next month! Imagine that! So get creating, you never know when it might be your creations being displayed here for all to see!


  1. I just have to say it has been awesome to learn more about my fellow DT member. I so admire your work Michelle! You are a true inspiration!

  2. Gorgeous work Michelle, loved hearing more about you!

  3. It is awesome to hear about Michelle! THANKS! I think that Michelle is a truly wonderful artistic crafter!!
    Keep up the great work!!

  4. Michelle, I just loved getting to know you better, and as always I love everything you create!

  5. hi michelle! loveing the get to know you posts! those projects all rock! LOVE the necklaces!

  6. Michelle is one of my fave stampers...what a nice feature!
