Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Think INK Tuesday

This week your challenge is brought to you by DT Member, Michelle Bartnett, and she wants you to MAKE A CARD/PROJECT based on your NEW YEARS RESOLUTION.....For example, if your resolution is to loose weight use a thin element on your card or reduce the layers and embellishments. If your resolution is to organize your craft room, make a card from the things that are out (and put them away when you are done)- Which was was Michelle used for her inspiration piece using the new AI set, License to Chill....

* You are not required to use AI stamps, but if you have them, we'd love to see you use them! **IF YOU USE AI STAMPS, YOU GET 2 ENTRIES FOR YOUR CREATION! JUST ENTER YOUR NAME/LINK TWICE ON MR. LINKY!!!

* You have until Monday, January 4, 2010, midnight Pacific Standard Time to link your creation to this post. A winner will be chosen Tuesday, January 5, 2010 to win a GRAB BAG of AI STAMPS!

* When posting your link, please post the link directly to your creation- so if it's on your blog, please link it directly to the specific post with your creation.

* If uploading to SCS or PCP, please add the keyword AIC10

Can't wait to see what you come up with! Tell your friends!


  1. This was the perfect stamp for these challenges. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

  2. I tried to add my link twice, but it wouldn't let me--
    Here's my entry

  3. Thank you for the challenge! My card is in my SCS gallery.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Great challenge! I've jsut linked mine-my stamping resolution is to use sentiments on the front of cards!
    thanks for the challenge!

  6. Great challenge. My resolution is to be on time. I make the same resolution every year and fail. LOL! Thanks for the challenge and let the New Year begin!
