Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Think INK Tuesday

This week your challenge is brought to you by DT Member, Emily Neihaus, and she wants you to MAKE A CAS CARD- CLEAN AND SIMPLE!

Using a new set, Love Ya Lots, Emily created this card to get you started with some inspiration:

* You are not required to use AI stamps, but if you have them, we'd love to see you use them! **IF YOU USE AI STAMPS, YOU GET 2 ENTRIES FOR YOUR CREATION! JUST ENTER YOUR NAME/LINK TWICE ON MR. LINKY!!!

* You have until Monday, December 21, 2009, midnight Pacific Standard Time to link your creation to this post. A winner will be chosen Tuesday, December 22, 2009 to win a GRAB BAG of AI STAMPS!

* When posting your link, please post the link directly to your creation- so if it's on your blog, please link it directly to the specific post with your creation.

* If uploading to SCS or PCP, please add the keyword AIC09

Can't wait to see what you come up with! Tell your friends!

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