Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Think INK Tuesday

This week your challenge is brought to you by DT Member, Sherry Campbell, and she wants you to USE ANY TECHNIQUE OR CREATE ANY 3-D ITEM THAT YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED BEFORE!

For inspiration....Sherry had never made an Acetate Box...so here's what she came up with using the new AI set, A Birds Song- and she did a fabulous job!

* You are not required to use AI stamps, but if you have them, we'd love to see you use them! **IF YOU USE AI STAMPS, YOU GET 2 ENTRIES FOR YOUR CREATION! JUST ENTER YOUR NAME/LINK TWICE ON MR. LINKY!!!

* You have until Monday, November 9, 2009, midnight Pacific Standard Time to link your creation to this post. A winner will be chosen Tuesday, November 10, 2009 to win a GRAB BAG of AI STAMPS!

* When posting your link, please post the link directly to your creation- so if it's on your blog, please link it directly to the specific post with your creation.

* If uploading to SCS or PCP, please add the keyword AIC06

Can't wait to see what you come up with! Tell your friends!


  1. Great challenge. Gave me the push to try a card using acetate. Love Sherry's box. May have to try that next.

  2. I love this challenge. 3D use to scare me, but now it's my favorite thing to do!

    Here is mine:
