Friday, October 30, 2009

~ Design Team Featured Stamper! ~

Today's Design Team Featured Stamper is Jackie Rakoski! Jackie is one fabulous stamper
and it is such a pleasure to team up with her. I especially love Jackie's compassion.
Her stamping style can be summed up as clean and crisp.

Here are some things you should know about Jackie:

Q ~ Married? Kids? Pets?

Single, no children, but I do have a dog named Lacey. She is a yellow lab and a complete sweetie.

Q ~ Do you have a job outside of stamping? If so, what do you do?

I do, I work full time as an architectural designer. I am trying to complete my IDP which is the intern development plan, its three years of full time work in specific areas before I can be eligible for my Architect's licensing exam to make me a register Architect.

Q ~ What got you into stamping?

I have always been interested in crafts of all sorts and growing up I was constantly at the closest crafts store around. I started with jewelry then moved on to some latch hooking and then came across working with lace to create potpourri. I found stamping when I was volunteering to help at my local libraries scrapbooking demonstration. I was completely hooked once I started and started going to classes and workshops all through high school and college.

Q ~ What is your favorite embellishment and why?

I think it's between ribbon and rhinestones. I mean a card seems uncompleted now without ribbon and a bit of bling!

Q ~ What drew you towards Artful Inkables?

I had been loving the cards I was seeing from the last terms design team, and a friend of mine, and now fellow design team member Joy, was always sharing her creations with me. After a while of eyeing the adorable images I saw the Twilight stamp sets and that was just a done deal for me! Artful INKables has such a fun style I was pulled right in!

Q ~ What is your favorite non-card type project?

I love altering tins and jars, not sure why, but they are just so much fun to alter. I and horrible when it comes to spotting things that may be altered one day, I have, let's just say, a few boxes filled with things to hopefully alter one day.

Q ~ Have you been published?

Not yet, I really want to be one day, but I keep forgetting to answer the calls. If I were to sit down and send something in I may have a chance.

Q ~ What is your favorite coloring medium? Why?

I would have to say my Copic markers, I love the look and they overall feel to my creations with these markers. Before I found them I loved colored pencils and gemasol though, it's nice to try out new mediums when you can, and I certainly try what I can find.

Q ~ Tell us about your blog.. ( it all stamping, or a mix of other things?)

My blog is all about stamping, only once in a while do I post about personal things. I use my blog space to share my creations with whoever stops by and to share with people who are interested in ordering cards from me, its sort of like my little shop in a way.

Q ~ What is your favorite part of being on a design team?

I would have to say getting to know the other ladies on the team as well as working with these stamps all the time! I really think that getting the chance to work with a specific design team is a great way to test your style and try to learn from the other designers around you. Plus, the stamps that have been released are just getting better and better and I am thrilled to be along for the ride!
Here is one of my favorite Jackie creations:

Great to have you with us, Jackie!

Thanks for stopping by!

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