Friday, October 9, 2009

~ Design Team Featured Stamper! ~

Today we introduce you to Crystal Irwin. Crystal reminds me of the team cheerleader. She is always there to offer support and to cheer her teammates on.

Crystal's style can be summed up as whimsical with flair. Her creations are always a delight for the eyes.

Here is a little about Crystal:

Q ~ Married? Kids? Pets?

I am married to a wonderful man Jeff, we have 3 children. 2 boys and 1 girl. Cody is 15 and loves Football, Katelyn is 10 and loves soccer, Brandon, my baby, is 7 and loves any type of ball. I live in a zoo honestly on how many animals we have. I am for sure an animal lover. We have 2 basset hounds, Mariah and Mojo. We also have 7 cats, Silvester, Oreo, Tabitha, Spots, Stripes, Oreo Junior, and Whinners. We also have...teehee a farrett who is pushing five years old named Sasha. That's a ton of names to remember LOL.

Q ~ Do you have a job outside of stamping? If so, what do you do?

I do, I am an independent contractor who does accounting. I work only 4 hours a week, but its great, it works out really well with school activities.

Q ~ What got you into stamping?
My niece sells Stampin Up and about 2 years ago I went to one of her parties and was hooked from then on out. I don't know now what I ever did before it. How did I spend my time??

Q ~ What is your favorite embellishment and why?
I have to say it is flowers. I love to add flowers to my card. I usually make really girly cards and it just seems to suit well with my style.

Q ~ What drew you towards Artful Inkables?
I would have to say, the fabulous design team members I have gotten to know through Splitcoast Stampers and the amazing stamps they sell. I took one peak of their stamps and fell in love.

Q ~ What is your favorite non-card type project?
I would have to say a scrapbook page. I haven't scrap booked in quite some time, I really need to get back with it also, but I just love a fun scrapbook page with smiling pictures.

Q ~ Have you been published?

No I haven't been published. I have never submitted either. That will be something on my to do list probably when I get a little more stamping experience.

Q ~ What is your favorite coloring medium? Why?
I absolutely love Copics. I started with Prisma color markers which I still use from time to time, but I just love the looks of an image colored with Copics. It is so bright, bold, easy to work with, and so well blended.

Q ~ Tell us about your blog.. ( it all stamping, or a mix of other things?)
My blog is mostly stamping, I do however have a slide show of some of my scrapbook pages I have done also. I also have a picture of my stamping place, who I design for, and all my favorite blogs, stores, magazines, and challenges.

Q ~ What is your favorite part of being on a design team?
I have to say my favorite part of being on Artful INKables design team is the wonderful people I get to work with. I have had a blast with these ladies and seeing what they create every week and being a part of this team has been a blessing. I also enjoy all the GREAT stamps Kristen designs, I have had so much fun working with her products.

Thanks for sharing yourself with us, Crystal! We are so happy to call you an Inkgirl!


Hey! Just wanted to add that Artful Inkables is having a swap! I am hosting the 5+1 card swap over on Splitcoaststamers. You can find the thread HERE. Please come join us!!



  1. You are so lucky to have Crystal! She is an amazing talent, and just an overall delight to know! Your analogy of the 'team cheerleader' suits her perfectly! Great choice for your DT!!!

  2. Wooohoooo Crystal! She is incredibly talented and sweet as can be!
