Friday, October 2, 2009

Design Team Featured Stamper ~ Emily Niehaus

Let me introduce you to Emily Niehaus. I first have to say that Emily is one patient young lady. I have been working on getting the Featured Stamper posts back on track and Ms Emily has sat quietly waiting :) Thanks Emily!

The thing that I have notice about Emily is her creative style. If you get a chance, hop over to her BLOG and take a look at all the neat things this young lady can do with paper!

Here's what Emily has to say about her craft:

Q ~ Married? Kids? Pets? I have been married to my husband for over 10 years. We have three boys. Will (8) and Max and Luke, who are three. I am blessed to have a husband who totally supports my stamping. My oldest son stamps with me on occasion, but usually he is more content to play with his legos while I create with my stamps!

Q ~ Do you have a job outside of stamping? If so, what do you do? I am a registered nurse and work part time on a step down unit at a local hospital.

Q ~ What got you into stamping? I went to a SU party about 10 years ago, and have been hooked ever since!

Q ~ What is your favorite embellishment and why? My favorite embellishment has got to be ribbon, with buttons coming in a close second. I can not hardly complete a card without ribbon!

Q ~ What drew you towards Artful Inkables? I was on SCS and clicked on an add for AI. I loved the style of the stamps and the great value. Once I got my first set in the mail, it was love at first site! The quality of the stamps is amazing.

Q ~ What is your favorite non-card type project? I would have to say scrapbooking, although I haven't done any scrapbooking in a while. I need to get busy and caught up!

Q ~ Have you been published? No but one of my goals is to submit to some magazines by the years end. I guess I am a little bit intimidated of rejection, but how cool would it be to be published!?

Q ~ What is your favorite coloring medium? Why? I LOVE my prisma pencils. I enjoy coloring and blending with OMS. I like copics, but feel I need a lot more practice. I always turn to my prismas because I am really comfortable using them.

Q ~ Tell us about your blog.. ( it all stamping, or a mix of other things?) My blog is pretty much devoted to stamping. Occasionally I will talk about my family stuff, but I try to keep it mostly stamping. I am a challenge junkie, so a lot of my stuff I have made for different challenges on SCS or in blog world!

Q ~ What is your favorite part of being on a design team? I love working with fabulous product, and meeting different stampers from around the globe. I formed some great on line friendships and learned a lot from my DT colleagues!

Thanks again, Emily! We look forward to working with you!!



  1. Emily ~ This little darlin' is just precious! I just ordered these images along with the Halloween images...cannot wait for all of the Artful Inkable fans to see what I have been working on...You are very blessed to be on such a wonderful DT!!! I really enjoyed my time when I was there, and I will always find AI as one of my very favorite places to shop!!! Good goin girl!

  2. Adorable card Emily! Love how you turned the tree into a Christmas tree with the bling! Cute!
