Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Think INK Tuesday

Who doesn't love an opportunity to win FABULOUS and FREE products?? You will have the opportunity to win some AI products EVERY OTHER TUESDAY!!! Every other Tuesday, one of our DT members will be issuing you a challenge and provide you with some inspiration to get you started!

Ready for your first challenge?

Our challenge this week, is brought to you by Joy Stagg, she wants you to make a card or project using: RED, BLACK, and WHITE.

To get you started off, here's some inspiration, a set of note-cards using the newly released set, Fun & Friendly.

* You are not required to use AI stamps, but if you have them, we'd love to see you use them!

* You have until Monday, August 31, 2009, midnight Pacific Standard Time to link your creation to this post. A winner will be chosen Tuesday, September 1, 2009 to win a GRAB BAG of AI STAMPS!

* When posting your link, please post the link directly to your creation- so if it's on your blog, please link it directly to the specific post with your creation.

* If uploading to SCS or PCP, please add the keyword AIC01

Can't wait to see what you come up with! Tell your friends!


  1. Oh what a great challenge! I will see what I can do

  2. Oh how fun!! :) Got here from Crystal's blog...I hope to try this challenge out! I regret that I don't own any of these images...but it would be nice to have some!! THANKS for the inspiration!! :)

  3. Oh How AWESOME!! I'll definitely and use my AI stamps! Can we play more than once???? Hehe! ;)

  4. My card is ready to go and will be posted on my blog first thing on Wednesday....Hope everyone stops by!

  5. Well looks like I'm first to post for your challenge. Sorry I didn't use any of your stamps, I was just playing around & came up with this card. If we can enter more than once I'd love to try again with your stamps as I do have quite a few.
    Thanks, Barb

  6. Those are great cards!!! I'll be posting my challenge on my blog Sunday!

  7. Just found you this week, don't have any of your stamps yet, but looked around and next payday's soon. Hope you don't mind a little bit of silver.
    Thanks for letting a challenge junkie participate.

  8. Great cards!! I have my challenge project ready for Thursday! :)

  9. Thanks for the challenge! I'm new to Artful Inkables & am very thankful for a shot at winning some of the stamps to get me started!

  10. Great challenge Joy!
    I'm linked!
    Blessings, Maria

  11. How exciting! My first challenge!
    I'm linked :-)

  12. Hi there,
    Only recently found your blog but I love it. A great challenge you have given us all this week.
    I have left my link with Mr Linky.
    Thanks for checking out my card.
    Dawn xx

  13. I did it Joy...The Deej just enterred her first AI challenge...I linked it...I hope I did it correct..mwah

  14. this is a great challenge. I dont have the images but improvised. Thanks

  15. This is usually not so much of a challenge for me - I appreciate the inspiration cards, but I still had a bit of a hard time! My card is in my SCS album.
    Thanks for the challenge.

    Dorothy /etsdas
