Thursday, July 23, 2009

Design Team Call – Become an INKgirl

Since the deadline for our Design Team Call is looming, I thought it would be a good idea to re-post the DT call.

ARTFUL INKABLES is looking for new design team members! We need your help and enthusiasm promoting our products through your personal blog and online galleries. We are looking for team members who are excited about stamping, and would love being a part of a fun and friendly design environment. No prior design team experience is necessary. If you’ve never been published… Don't worry! We want to encourage you to show us your best, even if you have not been widely recognized as a designer. This call is open to everyone - even if you aren't in the US or Canada you are more than welcome to apply!!**

Application Process

All submissions must be received by 11:59pm MST, July 27, 2009. New design team members will be contacted by July 31, 2009.

Please send an email containing the following information to:

1. Name:

2. Address:

3. Email:

4. Phone number:

5. Blog or website address:

6. Links to any online galleries you may have:

7. Related forums/message boards that you like to visit and participate (we do NOT need your forum nickname)

8. Three (3) items, cards, or layouts using stamps as the main focus. Your submissions don't need to be brand new and do not need to have Artful INKables Stamps used, but should not have been published or submitted for publication for a printed or online magazine. Don’t forget we will be looking at both your work and your photographing abilities here.

9. Please note if you are a current or past design team member for any other companies. (We do not expect you to work solely for us).

10. Please tell us a few words about what you like about stamping, and what would be the most exciting part for you to become a design team member.

11. Want to really impress us? Mail us 1 or 2 pieces you are especially proud of to: 11582 Summerfield Cir. Sandy, UT 84092. Seeing art in person if often much more effective and awe inspiring. ;) This is not required, however.

General Requirements

• Participate for a term of 6 months and sign a contract with Artful Inkables. This Design Team’s Term will run from August 15, 2009 to January 15, 2010.

• You will need the ability to photograph or scan your art for submission to Artful INKables Rubber Stamps.

• You will need to have a blog or website with regular updates, and enjoy participating in online challenges in the stamping community. You should be willing to post card samples, contest announcements, challenges and new releases on your blog as well as display the Artful INKables logo on your blog.

• You'll also need to be ready to have some FUN, and enjoy your stamps!!!

Monthly Responsibilities

• You will receive two stamps sets per month and your design team commitment will require you to send back two cards per stamp set and one 3D item. I will require your photos ASAP, but you can snail mail the items at your leisure up until the end of your term.

• Contribute one (1) tutorial during your six month term to be posted on the company blog. This is a step by step guide to creating your favorite card or project. This can also be techniques, and include stamping tips and trends.

• Give feedback and suggestions to AI for new stamps, the blog and marketing ideas.

• Leave occasional comments on DT Member blogs and the company blog.

• Promote Artful INKables Rubber Stamps through your blog, and whenever you see an opportunity.

• Participate in AI challenges, Blog Hops and sponsorship challenges as they are presented.

What You'll Get From Us

• A great opportunity to work with a fun design team, learning fun, new things.

• Encouragement and monetary compensation for getting published in leading magazines.

• 2 New Artful INKables stamp sets every month and other goodies as they become available.

• 25% off on all store items, during your term!

• Your bio, artwork and gallery will be spotlighted on Artful INKables web site.

** Please note that, we pay shipping but cannot be responsible for customs or duty fees to Canada or if shipped internationally.

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