Monday, March 17, 2008


Here is another fun sample to share with my stamping blog friends:

WOW! Thanks for a great opening day!! I cannot tell you what a great feeling it is to be able to create something only to find that, not only does it appeal to you, others like it enough to pay for it as well! LOL THANK YOU ALL!


  1. Kristin, you always do such awesome coloring! I could never color so well! BTW, just placed my order, can you put me at the front of the line? *innocent look* ;D I also wanted the Wedding Silhouettes but I just couldn't get it all at once, so this will have to do!


  2. got my order in also, NOW IF I COULD ONLY COLOR MINE IN LIKE YOU DO..........well I'd be all

    good to hear you had a good opening.

  3. This is adorable! on the sassy side
    You do a beautiful job.I'm having a hard time deciding which sets to order since I can't get them all at once.

  4. Kristin ~ I too am going to order before the deadline, #1 because this is a great deal and I love great deals and #2 because I love the new stamps...gotta have those Fairy stamps. Remember I just received the Pond Friends and Daring Ducky...and haven't had time to post them yet, You make the cutest stamps and since I am subscribed, I will be first to know what you are making next :)

  5. Wowzers, this is one gorgeous card! Awesome design, and colouring.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Okay, I deleted my last comment because my URL was too long and got lost over the "edge". Soooo, here is my first card using my Fairy set! Woo-hoo!

    I have been working with my froggy, but he isn't finished yet. This cold is kicking my behind and I haven't done much all week.
