Friday, February 8, 2008

Logo Contest

Well, things seem to be coming together nicely here. Some of the rubber has already arrived and Im getting busy with the packaging, pricing and marketing ideas. The one thing I've decided I really need though is a LOGO!! Something graphic that I can use on all of my packaging and ads. Hand drawing is easy for me but computer graphics...well THAT is a whole other ball of wax. Plus I probably dont even have the right programs I need to create what I need.

So a thought occurred to me...I could host a contest!

Create a logo for Artful Inkables and submit it to me by February 20th 2008. The winner will recieve 5 free stamp sets of their choice!! Specifics: I want the logo to be somewhat triangular so it will fit in the corner of a web page or stamp box, I want the words Artful Inkables to be the main focus and I want the colors to be compatible with those I have used on my e-store web pages: HERE . (Browns, golds, blues and greens) Also I need the file in a format I can use on my computer. Please email your entries to by 12:00am on Feb 20 to qualify. The winner's name and logo will be posted on the site on Feb 22nd. You dont have to be a graphic artist to apply just be handy with your computer software and creative!

Disclaimer: If I dont get a minimum of 5 entries, I may have to suspend the contest...however I will compensate those who took the time to enter with a free stamp.

1 comment:

  1. Cool Beans...Maddie and I are going to put our heads together and see what we come up with!

